Visit the Other Side
Choose your goal:
Connect with loved ones including pets? Connect with your Spirit Guide? Connect with a Master Teacher or one of God's Messengers? Visit your life between lives? Talk to the Council of Elders. Check your life chart? Visit the Other Side and then easily come back to your normal life. All questions welcome. * Let's chat about a session.
Theresa Micheletti
The Other Side
Visit Heaven's helpful temples--> Packages:
3 Temples-- 3 sessions
over 5 weeks
$733 or 3 monthly
payments of $250
6 Temples, 1 per session over 10 weeks.
$1233 or 3 monthly payments of $420
(with optional bonus-- 2 more temples $60 each)
Visit 18 out of 23 Helpful Temples on the Other Side over 9 months.
2 Bonus sessions-- Meet your Guide, your Angel, your totem, find out where you live and what job you have and how you spend your time on the Other Side.
$4,366 or 9 monthly payments of $499
Connect with Loved Ones
Connect with anyone who has passed over. Your Aunt? Your Parent? Your friend? Your Grandmother? Your pet?
Helpful Spirits
Connect with a spiritual entity? Your Spirit Guide? Your Personal Angel? Master Teacher? An Ascended Master?
Council of Elders
Connect with Council to ask questions or find out about an issue or find out why something happened.
Theresa Micheletti, CH
Cost $250 per private session
Let's chat about a session.
Connect with Angels to fill you with joy or to heal, to let go of unneeded emotions or unneeded memories.
LBL: Life Between Lives
What is your focus ( your job) on the Other Side? Where do you live? What do you like to do?
Visit any of the 23 Temples helpful to us while in life. Hall of Reconnection? Hall of Healing? Temple of Learning? etc. etc.